Center for Safe Interent Pharmacies Page Topper

Avoiding Counterfeit Medication

Even experts have difficulty identifying prescription medicine that has been counterfeited. What looks like a discount of a lifetime could lead to sickness or even death if you or your loved ones fall victim to these fake medicines. These resources run the range from high tech to focused information to help you take steps to avoid counterfeit medication’s dangers. And one of the best ways to make sure you avoid fake medicine is to only purchase prescription medications from reputable sources online or locally.

Verify Before You Buy: Online Pharmacy Verification


According to the FDA, 97% of online pharmacies are illegitimate and unsafe. Even experts have difficulty identifying a fake online pharmacy from its website alone. What looks like a discount online pharmacy from Canada or the U.S. could be a rogue website from anywhere in the world. Highly sophisticated criminal enterprises are utilizing malware, engaging in identity theft, and selling medicine that does not work, or worse, is dangerous to your health. We at CSIP have partnered with the North Carolina Department of State and others in growing coalition to provide a new website – VerifyBeforeYouBuy.org – dedicated to helping you determine if your online pharmacy is certified and from a safe source.

View website.

View the ad promoting Verify Before You Buy running in Times Square in New York City through May 2017:



World Health Organization Fact Sheet: False Medicines and Medical Products

Medicines or medical products that are tainted, falsified, or substandard pose a substantial health risk. This fact sheet from the World Health Organization (WHO) provides facts and guidance on the risks and associated preventive measures in the area of fake medicines. It also discusses the work of the WHO’s Global Surveillance and Monitoring System for tracking incidents of false medicines and medical products. 

Fact Sheet