Man, Daughter, and Grandson and Person Typing on Computer


The Center for Safe Internet Pharmacies’ blog profiles efforts to address the growing problem of consumer access to illegitimate pharmaceutical products on the Internet from the perspective of CSIP staff and board members and partners. It is updated on a a regular basis with new information and breaking news stories so be sure to check back often.


CSIP Partnerships Help Consumers Save on Prescription Drugs

Recognizing that Americans pay more for prescription drugs than any other developed country in the world, CSIP has long made it a priority to direct consumers towards reputable tools that can help them find safe and affordable sources for needed medications. We have recently made a change to our Save on My Meds initiative. In light of increased need during the COVID-19 pandemic, a collaboration with our partners, NeedyMeds.org and GoodRx.com, now connects consumers to even more support and resources. Read More


Supporting Individuals with Substance Use Disorders During COVID-19

Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has forever changed the American landscape. From the economy to the health care system to family/community dynamics, we wonder when “normal” will return and what that will look like. We also see that the COVID-19 crisis has only further spotlighted the health disparities and challenges facing our most at-risk individuals and families. Amid trying to socially distance and stay safe, we cannot forget those who are facing this pandemic while also facing chronic diseases – including substance use disorders. Read More


Opioid Policy and News Updates: April 2020

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Each week the Collaborative for Effective Prescription Opioid Policies (CEPOP) produce an opioid policy and news update. This report compiles resources related to federal and state legislative and other news on the opioid epidemic. In this blog post, we share a few highlights from their latest edition and thank CEPOP staff for their hard work. Read More