
Opioid News

The Center for Safe Internet Pharmacies strives to stay on top of the latest topics, trends and developments related to counterfeit online medicines and illegitimate internet pharmacies. This page will also be updated with CSIP happenings, as well as news from our members and ex-officio member.



Opioid Overdose Rates Decline as US Life Expectancy Has Slight Increase

Miniature people and the concept of an aging society.

Between 2017 and 2018 drug overdose deaths declined for the first time since 1990. This was mainly due to reduced deaths from prescription opioids. Given the impact of overdose deaths on the overall trend of decreasing life expectancy in the US, it was interesting to see recent data from the CDC showing a slight uptick in life expectancy to 78.7 years (an increase of 0.1 year from 2017). While not a large number by any means, it does speak to the massive public health undertaking to reverse the opioid epidemic. Read More


Tracking Illegal Opioid Sales Using Social Media Data


With every phone swipe and keyboard click, new data is created through tracking searches, sales, and social media conversations. Using machine-based learning and other artificial intelligence-based approaches to rapidly read and analyze this data can allow for monitoring and documenting patterns and trends. While frequently harnessed by business and industry for capturing consumer preferences, the public health community is also turning to social listening and other online data collection. Read More


Economic Distress and Opioids

coins on table

In a 2018 American Psychological Association poll, one in three people reported knowing someone who had suffered (or is suffering) from an opioid addiction. While efforts have been made to curtail the opioid epidemic by reigning in prescriptions, improving access to treatment and recovery, and providing education on prevention to communities and families, opioids still hit too close to home for most Americans. Yet, why is that? Read More